Terms Of Service

The following terms and conditions include a service description, privacy policy and the lolepicshop.com disclaimer. Your purchase of lolepicshop.com’s products and services indicates an agreement in-full with all terms and conditions listed below.
This policy was last updated 01/25/2021and goes into effect 01/25/2022.
LoLEpicShop offers League of Legends’ gamers a simple solution for the problem of how to play in ranked matches by gaining access to a Level 30 account quickly and for a fee. Professionally-leveled LoL accounts give customers access to certain features, like: quick accumulation of champions via IPs (unranked accounts have IPs that you can use for runes and champions of your choice); access to as many as 153 champions; access to between 18 – 60 rare skins; and, instant Email delivery LoLEpicShop offers Lifetime Coverage of all accounts which protects your account in the event that it is banned by Riot due to an issue on our end. Replacement accounts are issued in these instances at no additional cost. Lifetime Coverage does not apply to customers whose accounts are banned for failure to adhere to Riot’s rules during matches. Our affordable. Custom-made Smurf Accounts are suited to your specific tastes and preferences. We offer Unranked, Ranked, Blue essence and VIP accounts. simply choose the suitable package to find out more about our Smurf Accounts and get details about pricing.
LoL Epic Shop IS NOT affiliated or associated with, sponsored or endorsed by League of Legends or Riot Games, Inc. LoL Smurf Accounts are the intellectual property of the developer, Riot Games. Your purchase does not, in any way alter your standing contracts or agreements with Riot Games. Our Smurf Accounts and other products and services do not signify ownership of any kind. These terms do not grant access to use branding or logos used in our services or descriptions.
Smurf Accounts on LoLEpicShop have a guarantee under the following conditions:
You have changed the registered email and password on the account after your purchase AND verified it prior to playing games.
Your account has been active and you have used it to play at least one match since your purchase.
Your account has not been transferred from the region it was located in at the time of purchase and delivery.
Your ban is our responsibility and not due to misbehavior during a match or other violation of Riot Games Inc. rules and terms.
All terms and conditions must be met for the warranty to apply to your Smurf Account. Bans due to hacking, cursing, or any other bad behavior are not covered under our warranty. LoL Epic Shop offers unlimited replacement accounts per purchase , once you used the product you are no longer eligible to receive a refund otherwise it’s possible to get a partial refund.
LoL Epic Shop compiles the following data on visitors and customers: information entered on our contact forms, in email contact and gathered during customer support phone calls like: your name, email address, phone number, account information, purchase details/history and other information used by our staff to provide you with the best experience possible. We do not store your payment information and do not share or sell your name, email address, phone number or account information with any third parties. Information will only be accessed and used internally to help improve our services, contact you about question or concerns, or market product and service offering or specials to you (with your express consent).
We may use ‘cookies’ to store information on your computer in the following ways, including (but not limited to):
Authentication cookies to monitor your login in status.
Session cookies which allow you to remain logged in and which keeps track of activities until the browser shuts down.
Persistent cookies help monitor our services by tracking your browser activity.
Flash cookies help to personalize your experience.
We use cookies for some of the following reasons, including (but not limited to):
To improve our website’s performance by reporting errors
To track statistics about how the website is used
To save settings for subsequent visits to the website
To verify your login status
To provide advertisements that are specifically tailored for you
Cookies do not generally store your personal and financially-sensitive data. Cookies may contain the IP address of your laptop, computer or other computing device. Data collected by cookies is aggregate and not individualized to the user. You may disable and delete cookies from your browser at any time if you do not wish to have them stored.
Our website is secure and your credit card transactions are processed with the help of standard encryption services. Account payments are processed in real time. We do not have direct access to your credit or debit card numbers. Our database and customer management system allows us to store personal information with the help of anti-virus software, firewalls, security features, and standard encryption to protect the privacy and security of data.
Please contact us by filling out the contact form on the website or in any of the following ways:
Call Us: a267-907-8607
Email Us: customerservice@lolempicshop.com
While your Smurf Account is covered under a Limited Lifetime Warranty, LoL Epic Shop provides no guarantee that your account will be free of error. While we accept full responsibility for replacing accounts that are banned due to errors described in the above Banned Account Policy, we do not accept any responsibility beyond the terms of this agreement. Your purchase indicates that you have read, understood and fully agreed with these policies and terms of services. Customers agree that LoL Epic Shop’s owners, agents, employees, stakeholders and volunteers are not liable for any claims, damages, losses, injuries or suits (which include court costs, attorney fees and any other fees resulting from the acts, errors, or omissions of customers who purchase any products or services offered by LoL Epic Shop. Your purchase indicates that you fully understand and accept responsibility for any interference with existing contracts you are currently under.